Monday Mixed 9-Hole Golf League 2024 Rules And Info The Monday Mixed Golf League will be for 14 Monday starting June 10th-Sept. 30th 2024. We will not play on Mondays of long weekends. The days we will be playing on are: June 10th & 17th, July 8th 15th 22nd, & 29th, August 5th, 12th 19th […]
We are thrilled to invite you to a special Fine Art Photography Exhibition by one of our very own members, John Parkes. Join us for the vernissage and cocktail party on Friday, October 18th, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Larrimac Golf & Tennis Club, where you can enjoy drinks and canapés while viewing John’s captivating work. John’s unique […]
We are excited to invite you to the final event of our golf calendar, the annual Horse Race, happening on Sunday, October 20, 2024. This fun and competitive event, typically held after Thanksgiving, is open to both men and women. For many years, this event has been expertly run by Don Wilmer, and we’re delighted […]